Unit 1

1. What do you hope to learn and be able to do by the end of this class?   


I hope to have a much better understanding of chords and how to identify them, and use them in solos and comping. I would also like to expand my knowledge of scales and how to identify what key a song is in without seeing the sheet music. I also want to focus on smaller details in my soloing, and do the small things right, so I can work on bigger challenges. 

2. What is motivating you to take this subject? 


I simply love the piano and music, and want to be able to have it as an asset going into college. I think taking this class could truly take my playing and knowledge of jazz to the next level. Because the piano is such a popular instrument, jazz is also a way that I can stand out. I love the freedom, and want to be able to do more with it.