Cm7: 2 bars
The first note of the solo is a D which is the 9th of Cm7 chord that is playing. This adds a nice color to the high part of the solo. The next bar has two half step drops that go from notes outside of the scale in to a 1st and 5th note. I believe this was a nice way of creating tension, and then resolving it.
Fm7: 2 bars
The first note of the solo in these two bars is an A flat, which is the minor third in the Fm7 chord. This creates a simple harmonic sound to the solo. The soloist continues to use half step drops to go into the 5th and 1st notes of the chord.
Dm7 flat5: 1 bar
The first note for this bar is a C which blends nicely because it is the 7th in the chord. This bar includes a chromatic drop from G to F which makes the minor third of the chord.
G7: 1 bar
The starting note of this bar is an A flat, which does not blend very well with the G7 chord. I believe this was an attempt to create tension that will be resolved in the next bar.
Cm7: 2 bars.
With all of the tension built up from the last bar, the pianist resolves it by playing a G, the 5th in the chord, followed by a 1st and a minor third. This was one of my favorite bars in the solo because the tension is released so well.
Eflat m7: 1 bar
this bar plays an Aflat, the flat 5th of the chord, multiple times and then resolves it once by playing the major third, and then goes back to the flat 5 again. I think this sounded very good because it built tension, yet also made it sound happy by playing the major third.
A flat7: 1bar
This bar continues playing the A flat which becomes the 1st note of the chord which resolves itself in the chord change. It then goes to build tension again by playing a 4th.
D flat maj 7: 2 bars
The first note is an A flat, which is the 5th in that chord. The tension is resolved, and continues that way as the soloist plays every note in the chord melodically.
Dm7 flat 5:1 bar
The first note is a C, the 7th note of the chord which sounds very nice. The soloist keeps it simple and also plays the 5th and minor 3rd of the chord in the bar.
G7: 1 bar
The bar starts off with a B natural, also the major third in the chord. It is a simple harmonic, followed by an A flat to create tension one last time.
Cm7: 1 bar
The solo leads with a minor third, to resolve tension, and follows with a 5th and a 1st to keep it resolved.
Dm7 flat 5: 1/2 bar
A fall starting on an E flat to create some tension starts.
G7: 1/2 bar
The fall lands on a G to resolve the tension, and ends on a G when the chord progression restarts, playing the 5th in the next Cm7 chord.
Original Solo. Starts at 4:40 ends at 5:04